Frequently Asked Questions |
Q: Where are the campers staying for Resident Camp? A: Campers will be staying on the Wingate University campus in the dorms. |
Q. What is Wingate International Soccer Academy refund policy? A: A $275 non-refundable deposit is part of each camper's registration payment. On June 1st the total amount is non-refundable. Full payment is due 30 days prior to camp start. Camp refunds will not be processed until after the last day of camps.There is a $25 processing fee for returns. If you have any questions about our refund policy or wish to request a refund please email us at |
Q: What is the staff to camper ratio? A: We plan on having between an approximately15:1 ratio of campers to staff. |
Q: What type of supervision will there be? A: Each team of campers will have a counselor responsible for them all day. In addition senior staff will be supervising activities during the day and at night in the dorms. There is one staff room on every floor/hall. |
Q: What do campers do in their free time? A: There is very little free time with the number of sessions we are having. Players usually rest or utilize the pool which is on-campus and staffed with a supervisor. |
Q: Are campers be allowed off campus? A: No. While enrolled in the Wingate International Soccer Academy, campers are required to remain part of the camp. |
Q: Can parents or relatives visit camp? A: Yes. You are welcome to watch training at anytime. Please identify yourself to our staff upon your arrival as soon as possible. Parents are not allowed in the dorms after "check in". During the check out process parents will only be allowed in the lobby area or other area specified by staff- parents will NOT be permitted to enter rooms. |
Q: Where will the campers be eating their meals? A: All meals will be at the Wingate University Dining Hall. |
Q: Are there phones in the dorms? A: No. Please bring a cell phone, if needed |
Q: Who are my roommates? A: Roommate requests are handled at check in |
Q: How many people to a room? A: There are two people to a room. |
Q: Where will the players be able to fill up their water bottle? A: On the practice fields we have places they can fill their water bottle. Water and other items are provided at all fields. |
Q: Is there still space available to register for camp? A: If the website is allowing you to register then there is space available. |
Q: Is there medical staff available to handle injuries and illnesses? A: Yes, we have a certified athletic trainer on staff that stays on campus with the camp. |
Q: What do you do in case of rain? A: If it is only raining we usually continue to play unless the fields become unsafe. In the case of thunderstorms and lightning we move the campers indoors to a safe place. We continue to monitor the storm with a lightning meter and also over the internet and only retake the fields when it is safe. If grass fields are unusable, the new turf facility will be utilized for games and practices. |
Q: Are the dorms air conditioned? A: Yes. |
Q: What if my child is a goalkeeper? A: There are goalkeepers in all of our camps. Please sign your child up as a goalkeeper if you would like them to train with the goalkeepers the entire week. |
Q: Where do we play? A: Our fields are located on the campus of Wingate University and at the Jesse Helms Soccer Complex located near our campus. Players are shuttled to the complex by Wingate Staff. |
Q: Is there a deadline to register? A: Acceptance into our camp is a first come, first serve basis. Once we receive a signed waiver and application with a deposit check or payment in full, then you will receive our enrolled. |
Q: What if I have an emergency and need to get in touch with someone while my child is at camp? A: For emergencies you can call Amy at 704-577-2898. |
Q: Is there a fee for shuttle service to and from the airport for campers who fly in? A: Yes. There is a shuttle service fee which includes pick up and drop off at the airport. |
Q: What day should campers arrive and leave? A: Campers should plan to arrive and leave on the dates the camp starts and ends. There will be a $75/night fee that the camper decides to say extra. For example if the camp starts on June 29th and ends on July 3rd and a camper decides to arrive on June 28th and leave on the July 4th, there will be an additional $150 fee for the two nights ($75/night) We strongly ugre campers to arrive and leave on the start and end dates to avoid this additional fee. |
* Wingate University Soccer operates its camps and clinics in accordance with all NCAA recruiting rules and regulations. All
camps are open to all levels of players. The only restrictions are by age and gender.